We offer various IV Vitamin therapies here at The Shot Shop by Leah Kenney, PA-C. IV Vitamin Therapy works through the administration of vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream via an IV Infusion. This way of getting vitamins and nutrients into the body bypasses the digestive system which provides increased cell absorption and 100% bioavailability of the vitamins.
We also offer Vitamin Injections or “SHOTS” at The Shot Shop by Leah Kenney, PA-C These shots are administered via intramuscular injection (often referred to as IM) so there is no gastrointestinal metabolism, which also allows for increased nutritional absorption.
What are IV Vitamins good for?
IV Vitamin Therapy is used to treat a lot of things. Whether you are hungover, suffering from jet-lag, need an energy boost, sick, tired or dehydrated, we have the remedy with one of our customized IV Vitamin therapies.
What types of IV Vitamins and drips do you offer?
We offer the gold standard of vitamin therapy, the Myers’ Cocktail, an Immunity Drip, a Hangover Cure, glutathione and luxury hydration.
What types of Vitamin “SHOTS” do you offer?
We currently offer a B12 SHOT and a MIC SHOT.
What is the treatment time and how many do I need?
At The Shot Shop by Leah Kenney, PA-C we will help you to create a treatment plan to best meet your specific goals. An injection takes a few minutes and we accept walk-in’s for this appointment. We will customize a plan for you depending upon your level of vitamin intake and deficiency. An IV will take 45 – 60 minutes, and again, we will customize a treatment plan based on your condition and goals.
Is there any downtime?
There is no downtime. You can leave The Shot Shop and resume your regular activities after receiving an injection or IV.
How long does it last?
The vitamins from IV Vitamin Therapy remain in your system and maintain your levels for approximately 2-3 weeks as it is absorbed directly into your bloodstream. A vitamin SHOT is equivalent to taking one week’s worth of oral vitamin supplements.
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